Event thar usually celebrates for each year in my hometown is Patriotic Celebration that will be held at every 17th August in every year. I cannot wait for that time because that time people in my hometown usually busy with the preparation.
Preparations for patriotic celebration begin a week before the 17th of August.
Neighborhood associations often coordinate special activities for the childern and may request donations from homeowners to sponsor game ands prizes for the childern. School hold contest to see which class can decorate their room in the most patriotic manner as well as holding games and race almost classes.
Neighborhood associations, or our local RT ( neighborhood head ), may organize a cleanup of area or kerja bakti. Drains are swap, weeds are cut back, the debris is burned and public areas are repainted. Women are asked to provide snacks to the hard working men. Homeowners may be requested to wave Indonesian Flag for a set period of time before and after holiday. Businesses may be asked to make contribution to fund an extravaganza of fireworks and entertainments.
While the solemn ceremonies are taking places, neighborhood gears up for fun and games for the kids. Kerupuk ( shrimp chips ) eating contest, bike decorating, games and a lot of fun fills the day. The women are busy in cooking contest to see who can make the biggest kerupuk or the most delicious rendang.
One of the most popular game is panjat pinang. An areca palm trunk is erected in a public area an well greased with mixture of clay and oil. At the top are hung various prizes like bikes and TVs. Whoever makes it to the top would win the prizes. Needless to say there a lot of slippery, muddy kids and grownups a like climbing over each other and struggling to reach the goal. A good time is had by all, especially the crowd watcing gaiety.
Actually I cannot wait for the 17th August in this year. That would be more fun, futhermore that celebration will be celebrated with my friends. That would be an unfogottable moment.
that is good essay zack!
BalasHapusbut you should pay attention to the justify while you are typing your essay!
keep writing!